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p2p:bittorrent_reseau:creer-un-torrent-avec-mktorrent (lu 2129 fois)

Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Créer un Torrent avec mktorrent

Installez le logiciel mktorrent.

Usage: mktorrent [OPTIONS] <target directory or filename>

-a, --announce=<url>[,<url>]* : specify the full announce URLs
                                at least one is required
                                additional -a adds backup trackers
-c, --comment=<comment>       : add a comment to the metainfo
-d, --no-date                 : don't write the creation date
-h, --help                    : show this help screen
-l, --piece-length=<n>        : set the piece length to 2^n bytes,
                                default is 18, that is 2^18 = 256kb
-n, --name=<name>             : set the name of the torrent
                                default is the basename of the target
-o, --output=<filename>       : set the path and filename of the created file
                                default is <name>.torrent
-p, --private                 : set the private flag
-t, --threads=<n>             : use <n> threads for calculating hashes
                                default is 2
-v, --verbose                 : be verbose
-w, --web-seed=<url>[,<url>]* : add web seed URLs
                                additional -w adds more URLs
p2p/bittorrent_reseau/creer-un-torrent-avec-mktorrent.1530792692.txt.gz · Dernière modification: le 05/07/2018 à 14h11 de 111110101011