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divers:hadopi-sacem-sabam-ayants-droit (lu 33851 fois)

Ceci est une ancienne révision du document !

Hadopi, Sacem, Sabam, ayants-droit


Aux Etats-Unis

Certains utilisateurs de logiciels P2P mettent des avertissements:


For controversial reasons, if you are affiliated with any government, police, investigative,ANTI-Piracy group, RIAA, MPAA, Universal Fox, any other movie production company or video game company or console manufacturer or distribution company or group, or any other related group, or were formally a worker of one, you CANNOT enter or download files from my computer. If you enter my computer you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you cannot threaten my ISP or any Person(s) or company storing these files, and cannot presecute any person(s) affiliated with my site which includes family, friends, or individuals who run or enter this site. By continuing to enter this site you are expressly and impliedly agreeing to all terms as stated above and affirm that you are in compliance with all federal state and local laws concerning the content of this site. Be going any further into this SITE or COMPUTER you agree to all of the above, otherwise you must leave this site and must not proceed any further. 

Ce Internet Privacy Act signé par BIll Clinton prévaut-il sur les mesures de surveillance type riposte graduée ? On peut parier que les projets de lois postérieurs mettent en place la surveillance tiennent compte des lois précédentes, et font donc office d'exception. Ce qui rendrait caduque de tels avertissements…

divers/hadopi-sacem-sabam-ayants-droit.1414781687.txt.gz · Dernière modification: le 31/10/2014 à 19h54 de 111110101011